Interesting facts about our organization
The Haddonfield Ambulance Association has been supporting emergency medical needs in the Borough of Haddonfield since 1938. This includes ambulances, supplies, uniforms for EMTs, and more.
The Haddonfield Ambulance Association, through the community's generous donations, has purchased a total of 17 ambulances since 1938, with a total combined cost of over $1.2 million. Our first ambulance (1938) cost $2,800 and the most recent purchase (2022) cost over $240,000.
Our 17 purchased ambulances over the years have been built in 4 states and 2 countries (U.S. and England):
* 11 ambulances built by 4 different manufacturers in OHIO
* 3 ambulances built by a manufacturer in ARKANSAS
* 1 ambulance built by a manufacturer in IOWA
* 1 ambulance built by a manufacturer in TEXAS
* 1 ambulance built by a manufacturer in ENGLAND
The two (2) newest ambulances (2017 and 2022) each have a gross vehicle weight of over 14,000 pounds.
It takes about ONE-YEAR for a manufacturer to construct ONE ambulance after it has been ordered.
Two (2) of our Oldsmobile ambulances (1970, 1972) were not traded in on new ambulances but were sold for a very nominal fee to a volunteer ambulance organization in the City of Camden - the 14th Ward Ambulance Association. See photo below of the 1972 OLDSMOBILE ambulance sold for $5,000 to that organization in June 1975.