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In the case of an emergency call 911
Founder - Herman F. Janssen and Co-Founders

Herman F. Janssen was the founder of the Haddonfield Ambulance Assocation. He was born on December 9, 1893 and he lived for many decades at 127 Wayne Avenue with his wife Agatha.  Mr. Janssen was an electrical engineer.  

In 1938, Haddonfield Mayor G. Barrett Glover, who was also American Legion Post 38 Commander, appointed a committee of three Legionnaires, including Herman F. Janssen, “to make an exhaustive study of other towns ways and means of providing ambulance service". Haddon Fire Company #1, being an “emergency service” community provider for over 150 years and the Haddonfield American Legion Post 38, a community service organization, through a joint effort founded the Haddonfield Ambulance Association. Members of the Haddonfield American Legion Post #38 and members of Haddon Fire Company #1 canvassed all of the borough homes to collect contributions ("Ambulance Fund") for the purchase of a community ambulance. 

By April 4, 1938, the goal of $5,650 had been reached, guaranteeing a community ambulance.  Herman F. Janssen, of the American Legion Post 38, as per his work with this project, was named founder.  Two co-founders were named and were recognized for their efforts; Martin Schlect, President of Haddon Fire Company No. 1 and William Mackin, Chief of Haddon Fire Company No. 1.

Mr. Janssen was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Haddonfield Ambulance Association from 1938 through 1979.  He was elected Chairman of the board in October 1953 succeeding the late J. Paul Miller (an accountant, living at 700 Grove St.) who had been Chairman since the organization was founded. Mr. Janssen was a board member for 41 years and was the Chairman for 25 years.   

Herman F. Janssen died on June 4, 1979 at the age of 85.   

Herman F. JansSen and CO-FOUNDERS Martin Schlect and FIRE Chief William Mackin.


Newspaper article announcing Herman F. Janssen being elected Chairman (Wednesday, October 7, 1953 - Camden Courier Post).

Herman F. Janssen with Haddon Fire Co. No. 1 Chief Cox with new 1952 Cadillac Superior ambulance. 

Herman F. Janssen (1978) observing a training drill with the Jaws-of-Life extrication tool, purchased by the Association for Haddon Fire Company No. 1.   

1978 Fund Drive flyer listing Herman F. Janssen as Chairman and founder (for the last time).